How Do I

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Town Hall located and what are the hours of operation?
Town Hall is located at 118 S. Glover Street. Our hours are 9:00am – 5:00pm Monday through
Thursday. Town Hall is closed Fridays and every major holiday. The Building and Planning Department is
also located at Town Hall. Call 509-997-4081 to set up an appointment.
What are the meeting dates and times for Town Council and the Planning Commission?
Town Council meets every second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 5:30pm at Town Hall.
The Planning Commission usually meets on the second Wednesday of every month at 5:00pm at Town
Hall. Planning Commission is on a month to month basis depending on if there is business to discuss.
How do I register to vote?
You can obtain a mail-in voter registration form from Town Hall or register at the Auditors Office
at the Okanogan County Courthouse in Okanogan
How do I apply for a job with the Town of Twisp?
You can pick up an application at Town Hall or go online to and click on
the link for Forms and Application. Our application will be under Employment titled “Twisp House
How do I file a complaint?
Complaints that are not of a criminal nature can be reported to Town Hall at (509) 997-4081.
These would include things of a nuisance nature, junk vehicles, trash in the yard, potholes in the street,
street signs obscured by trees or shrubs, etc.

Criminal complaints should be made directly to the Police Department at (509) 997-6112.
Do I need a business license?
Any person or company who is located within the town limits or comes into Twisp to do
business must first obtain a Town Business License. This includes home occupations, which have special
regulations. A general business license application is $75.00 and renews annually for the same amount.
You can obtain an application at Town Hall or go to the “Forms and Applications” page on the website
Do I need a license for my pet?
The Town of Twisp requires all dogs to be licensed. You may obtain a license at Town Hall. You
must provide proof of rabies vaccination and proof of spay/neuter if applicable. If your dog is
spayed/neutered the yearly license is $10.00, if they are not spayed/neutered the fee is $20.00. The
license is due for renewal by January 31st of each year. An additional $10.00 fee is accrued after the 31st
of January
How do I know if I am in Town limits?
For questions regarding town limits and/or services please contact our office at 509-997-4081
